Hudson and New Port Richey are situated on the West Coast of Florida, approximately 45 minutes North of Tampa. Easily accesable from Orlando or Tampa International Airports.
A place to relax and chill after many days at the theme parks or to play a round or two of golf. Either way, come relax at the Nature Coast.
Five things to know.
1. Flight time from UK is around 9 hours.
2. There are links to all local tourist offices on the vist Florida website (www.flausa.com) or request brouchures 01737 644882
3. Security at US airports has gone from zero to super efficient in the past couple of years, so allow plenty of time to check in on the way home.
4. If you are planning to buy clothes, remember that you'll be a size smaller in the US. But your feet will be one-and-a-half sizes bigger.
5. Aligators are fierce but their call is something between a duck's quack and a frog's croak.